MONDIORING konečně uznán jako řádný FCI kynologický sport
Na zasedání pracovní komise FCI dne 24.6.2015 byl po dlouhých letech "čekatelství" MONDIORING schválen jako plnohodnotný kynologický sport uznaný FCI.
Velké díky panu Frans Jansenovi z FCI, členům vedení mezinárodní komise pro mondioring SMCU/FCI Bernardu Roserovi a Valeerovi Linclau a dalším.
Information SMCU/FCI
On June 24 we received the official information from the FCI that the discipline Mondioring is completely recognized as a International discipline.
This recognition is a reward for the continual efforts who made the SMUD/FCI and this with the cooperation of the President CU/FCI M. F. Jansen.
We are pride to may announce that this beautiful discipline finally obtains the recognizing that she deserve on International level.
Long live Mondioring
For the SMCU/FCI
The coordinator The Secretary
Bernard Roser Valeer Linclau
Information SMUD/FCI
On June 24 we received the official information from the FCI that the discipline Mondioring is completely recognized as a International discipline.
This recognition is a reward for the continual efforts who made the SMUD/FCI and this with the cooperation of the President CU/FCI M. F. Jansen.
We are pride to may announce that this beautiful discipline finally obtains the recognizing that she deserve on International level.
Long live Mondioring
For the SMUD/FCI
The coordinator The Secretary
Bernard Roser Valeer Linclau