MONDIORING konečně uznán jako řádný FCI kynologický sport

30.06.2015 17:16
Na zasedání pracovní komise FCI dne 24.6.2015 byl po dlouhých letech "čekatelství" MONDIORING schválen jako plnohodnotný kynologický sport uznaný FCI.
Velké díky panu Frans Jansenovi z FCI, členům vedení mezinárodní komise pro mondioring SMCU/FCI Bernardu Roserovi a Valeerovi Linclau a dalším.




Information SMCU/FCI

On June 24 we received the official information from the FCI that the discipline Mondioring is completely recognized as a International discipline.

This recognition is a reward for the continual efforts who made the SMUD/FCI and this with the cooperation of the President CU/FCI M. F. Jansen.

We are pride to may announce that this beautiful discipline finally obtains the recognizing that she deserve on International level.

Long live Mondioring

For the SMCU/FCI

The coordinator                                                                         The Secretary

Bernard Roser                                                                           Valeer Linclau









  Information SMUD/FCI

On June 24 we received the official information from the FCI that the discipline Mondioring is completely recognized as a International discipline.

This recognition is a reward for the continual efforts who made the SMUD/FCI and this with the cooperation of the President CU/FCI M. F. Jansen.

We are pride to may announce that this beautiful discipline finally obtains the recognizing that she deserve on International level.

Long live Mondioring

For the SMUD/FCI

The coordinator The Secretary

Bernard Roser Valeer Linclau